Friday, April 20, 2012

Review In!

A super-awesome reader/reviewer on Goodreads, Shauna of Ireland, has written a review for Fallen Kingdom! Read it below, and after that make sure to check out her other reviews. She reads lots of books. She's also just recently gone off to Spain for a few months to teach english, so show her some support by leaving a comment on her goodreads page, or just keep her in your prayers.

Alright, without further ado, here's the review... (haha, that rhymes) (I'm so witty) (not really) (oh, just ignore me, it's not like I'm a writer or anything... o_O...)

(oh, and p.s., there is one uber-minor spoiler, but you'll be forwarned)
I felt the knife shake in my grip and I steadied it.
I gathered together all the deaths and pain that I knew to call on.
I drew upon Kraehe, and I drew upon Luffie, and I drew upon Tobias.

This is a murderer, I chanted to myself.

This is a murderer and I do not know him.

Oh, my traitorous heart.

Damn you, Tess Williams. Why couldn't you have just killed off Cyric before Ellia had the chance to infect me with all the feelings?!

What a roller coaster of emotions…I actually cried. Tears. For Cyric!! Not something I could have ever imagined myself doing after finishing book one.

Fallen Kingdom opens on a battle field, jumping right back into the thick of things. Ellia and Cyric each remain on opposing sides of the war, both doing their damnedest not to let their thoughts stray to the other.

Of course, this separation couldn't go on forever, because then where would our story be?
So when Ellia sacrifices herself by sending a wounded fellow warrior off on her chimera (spoiler)[and let me just say, I love that more time is being given to the granted animals throughout this book (un-spoiler)] she is taken captive (yes, again. that's gotta smart) and transported back to Akadia, and back to Cyric.

I loved Ellia's bravado, her fighting spirit. She's really come into her own this installment.

I did not love listening to stupid Cyric's stupid rationalizations for all the stupid stupid stupid things he does. Idiot. (No, that's a lie, I really love to hate that boy.)

It's all right though, because Ellia has a plan to regain her freedom. After all, she is a Ciralli warrior. Able to easily out-skill any of their best fighters, even kill them, to free herself.
Except Cyric's her designated keeper, and there's a big difference in turning your mind away from someone who was once your friend, and galvanizing yourself to kill them.

I felt my fists coiling with rage. I would have killed them--I would have killed anyone that Lox had left me with, I’d already determined to. I’d been in battles. I knew how to kill evil men. But why had it been Cyric?

With book one fresh in my mind, I had no such compunction. What matter that it's Cyric, Elia? Kill him, kill or at the very least maim him!!

She doesn't, of course. And as time went on I would, more often than not, find myself smiling stupidly at their exchanges. Though in my defense, much of this was for all the moxy our heroine was displaying.

Weren’t battles still waging? Weren’t people still dying? And wasn’t I on the opposite side of Cyric? Yet at the same time, I had never felt more sure of who I was and what I was doing.

...I’d seen who he was; now everything he did, every way he responded made me more sure that he was not evil. That he had only convinced himself to be, that he was confused, and scared. This was Cyric Dracla. He was my best friend. I knew him. He’d been mine from the moment I’d seen him, I’d decided this.
I’d let him go because deaths and wars and betrayal made all of that not matter. And here I was with the same dilemma, yet I felt certain that it was not right to abandon him anymore.

Somehow, someway, (I still don't know when or how she did it) Ellia won me over to her way of thinking. That is one loyal and determined friend.

At the end of the first book I scoffed, 'There is no way that boy could ever redeem himself in my eyes', but now I say 'Redeem yourself, Cyric! Redeem yourself!! You can do it!!!'

Tess Williams has managed that rare feat of creating a sequel even better than the first, so if you haven't read Fallen Prince yet- I am officially giving you the all clear.

Bring on book three!

*I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

AND... that's all folks. Have a great week!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fallen Kingdom is HERE!

Da-da-da-dah! (hoping that reads like a resounding chime of success) Fallen Kingdom is official available to buy. Check out the links in the panel of my website to get your copy. It's available on smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon for 99 cents. If you read it, please review, or let me know what you thought in an e-mail. You can find the address on the "contact" page of my website.

If you're into book playlists, here are most of the theme songs for Fallen Kingdom.

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Hopefully I'll do a post in the future explaining which songs are whose and what they mean, etc. Please note that there are sadly two major theme songs missing from this playlist. They are:


Unfortunately, they don't have these two available on, but I'm attempting to learn how to put songs up there, so it's likely that they soon will. :) If you happen to know how to do it, please let me know in a comment or something.

Lastly, a lot readers seem to want a better picture of what the chimera from the Fallen Trilogy look like. I thought I'd put up a few of the pics I used as inspiration to give you an idea.

First there's this peice by *sandara on deviantart. This is definately the closest to how I picture the chimera, especially Luffie (Ellia's chimera).

All of the chimera, even the boy ones, have heads that resemble a female lion's. Luffie specifically has flecks of turquoise in her hair and turquoise eyes--just the same as this one! The differences would be in torso, since the chimera of the Fallen Trilogy have "feathered wings like those of an eagle, and serpent tails like those of a dragon."

These next two aren't technically very acurate to the Fallen Trilogy chimera, but there are some similarites, particularly in the coloring of the three-headed chimera as well as it's tail. And then in the wing-to-body ratio of the second one.

This second drawing is done by njoo on deviantart by the way. It's titled, Dark and Day: Chimera.

So, that's about all for now. Please enjoy Fallen Kingdom and thank you for stopping by!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fallen Kingdom Release

Hey, so it's almost time for Fallen Kingdom (sequel to Fallen Prince and second in the Fallen Trilogy) to be released! April 11th is the scheduled date, and I can happily say that we are on schedule. Yay! Here's a pic of the cover to let you know what you're in for...

Pretty nifty, huh? It's sort of a secret what the colored circle and "animal" inside of it represent, but... read the first and second book and you might be able to guess. If not, by the time you read book three, you'll definately have it.

While you're here, please check out the trailer for Fallen Kingdom, if only to hear the cool song...

Another big theme song for the second book would be... Skip the Charades by Cold War Kids, but I'll make you go look that up yourself. I'll have the whole playlist for Fallen Kingdom up on my site in time for the release. To tide you over, here's somewhat how I invision Cyric (one of the main characters of the Fallen Trilogy) to appear...

I know, I know, you're wondering: why is he playing a guitar? Why is he singing? Does he play a guitar in the book? Does he sing? I thought it was a high fantasy (aka, no electric guitars/microphones). Why couldn't you just find a normal picture of this dude?

The answers to these questions are simple. First off, no, Cyric, ahem, does not and never would sing. He just... doesn't do that. He's Cyric Dracla; he doesn't sing. Second, yes it is a high fantasy*, so no, there are no electric guitars in the book.

And even if there were, Cyric would not know how to play them.

The reason these pictures are of a singing Gavin Rossdale (that's the lead singer for Bush, for anyone who doesn't know) is because Cyric only looks like Gavin Rossdale, when Gavin Rossdale is singing... this one specific time he sang... in 1999... at woodstock... Otherwise, he doesn't really resemble him. Hence: a singing Cyric. But the hair's perfect, so yay!

If you'd like to get an idea of what Ellia Solidor looks like (the other main character from the Fallen Trilogy) please watch this youtube video.

Ellia definately only resembles this girl (Catherine Pierce of The Pierces) when she's singing, but hey, this is one of Cyric and Ellia's theme songs, so it works. :)

I hope you've enjoyed a taste of Fallen Kingdom. It will be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords 4.11.12 for 99 cents. Make sure to pick up a copy and let me know what you thought.

* high fantasy means sword and sorcery/alternate world sort of fantasy. Think "Lord of the Rings" or "Narnia"